2021. április 30., péntek

8 Habits of love - Ed Bacon - Jelenlegi ára: 1 762 Ft

8 Habits of Love: Overcome Fear and Transform Your Life
Product details
Paperback:  224 pages
Publisher:  Grand Central Publishing (31 Oct. 2013)
Language:  English
ISBN-10:  145550002X
ISBN-13:  978-1455500024
Product Dimensions:  13. 3 x 1. 9 x 20. 3 cm
HABITS OF LOVE will be both an inspirational and practical book that gives readers a deep understanding of how to live life through love, and not fear. Reverend Bacon believes that every person can live a full and creative life if they can learn to ignore their fear defenses and find their own spiritual core. Readers will learn how fear in all of its disguises keeps us from connecting with others and finding our own peace and best destiny. It will answer questions such as: How do I overcome fear and find that place of love? How do I let go of the past and move on? How do I forgive those that have hurt me? How do I express myself truthfully and be open to the beloved in others?
The book will examine the eight habits of love: stillness, truth, forgiveness, kindness, candor, giving, community, and playfulness, which encourage us to live a full spiritual life.

Jelenlegi ára: 1 762 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2021-05-01 08:12 .

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